Batman: Robin, our mission this week is to investigate the events of 1 Chronicles 19. Hanun the king of the Ammonites had dishonored David’s ambassadors, so David sent an army to punish the Ammonites.

Robin: What happened next, Batman?

Batman: The Ammonites were defeated and retreated to the city of Rabbah. So David and his army went to Rabbah to finish the job.

Catwoman: Ha ha! It sounds like David had the Ammonites right where he wanted them.

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. But the Ammonites weren't about to give up without a fight. They hired a vast army of Aramean mercenaries to fight against David.

Robin: Oh no! How did David respond?

Batman: He rallied his troops and prepared for battle. But the Lord gave David a great victory and the Arameans were driven back.

Joker: What a fantastic story! I'm sure David was triumphant!

Batman: Indeed he was, Joker. The Ammonites were finally defeated and David returned to Jerusalem in triumph.