Attention! Listen up! Now, I'm gonna give you a summary of 1 Chronicles 19. So pay attention! In this chapter, King Nahash of the Ammonites dies, and his son Hanun succeeds him as king. Hanun decides to show disrespect to David, King of Israel, by having his servants shave off half of David's men's beards and cut off their robes in the middle. But David's men, being the brave soldiers they are, don't retaliate. Instead, David sends a message to Hanun, saying that he had sent his servants to mourn the death of Nahash and not to spy on them. Hanun humbly apologizes and sends gifts to David as a way of making amends. Then, David sends his own army to battle the Ammonites and they are victorious. The end. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? Dismissed!