2 Kings 4 is a terrific chapter with some unbelievable stories of God's power. There's a great widow who comes to Elisha because she's in a sad! financial situation. Elisha tells her to go and get some empty vessels and fill them with oil. She does and finds that she has many such cases! The oil keeps flowing and she ends up having enough to pay off her debt. This is a bigly example of God's power and it totally blows away the haters and losers who think that God is overrated.
In another part of the chapter, Elisha brings a boy back to life after the child dies. This is an amazing moment and many people are saying it's one of the most powerful Bible verses. God also provides a huge amount of food for a group of people who were starving. And finally, Elisha helps a woman become pregnant and she gives birth to a son.
2 Kings 4 is an incredible chapter with lots of examples of God's power. It's a reminder of how God can make America great again and bless us all. Believe me, if we all follow God's word, we'll be winning in no time.