Joe: Alright, so we just finished up 2 Kings 3, so what's happening in 2 Kings 4?
Bible Expert: Well 2 Kings 4 starts with the story of a widow who needs help paying her debts. She went to Elisha the prophet and asked him for help.
Joe: Wait, so she asked the prophet for help? What kind of help did she ask for?
Bible Expert: She asked him for a miracle, actually. She needed money to pay her debts, so Elisha told her to go find jars and fill them with oil. He said that as she filled them with oil, the jars would keep filling until she ran out of jars.
Joe: That's wild! So she did it, right?
Bible Expert: Yes! She did it and it worked - she sold the oil and was able to pay her debts.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty amazing. So what else happened in 2 Kings 4?
Bible Expert: Well, there's also the story of a Shunamite woman who had a son. Her son became sick and died, so she went to Elisha for help. Elisha prayed and the boy came back to life.
Joe: Woah! That's incredible! So what happened next?
Bible Expert: Well, Elisha also healed a man who was poisoned, and he also performed a miracle for a group of men who were about to be attacked by an army. He prayed and God caused the army to hear a sound like chariots and horses, causing them to flee in fear.
Joe: That's amazing! Anything else?
Bible Expert: Yes, there's one more story in 2 Kings 4. Elisha fed a hundred people with just 20 loaves of bread, and there was still some left over!
Joe: That's unbelievable! I can't believe all the cool stuff that happened in this chapter!