Joe: Alright, so, 2 Kings 21. What does that chapter of the Bible tell us?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, 2 Kings 21 covers the reign of King Manasseh of Judah and his successor King Amon. It describes how Manasseh reigned for 55 years and how he was an extremely wicked king, following other gods and doing things to anger the Lord.
Joe: Wow, that's a long time to reign. What did he do to anger the Lord?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, Manasseh sacrificed his own sons and practiced divination, witchcraft and consulted with mediums and spiritists. He also rebuilt the pagan high places that had been destroyed by King Hezekiah and committed other abominable acts.
Joe: That's wild. So, then what happened?
Bible Expert: Well, the Lord was so angry that he brought about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. After Manasseh died, his son Amon became king and he too was very wicked, following in the footsteps of his father.
Joe: So, did the Lord punish Amon too?
Bible Expert: Yes, Joe. The Lord allowed Amon to reign for two years before he was assassinated by his own servants. After Amon's death, his son Josiah became king and he was a righteous king who brought about a spiritual revival in Judah.