Joe: Alright, so what's the deal with 2 Kings 13?

Bible Expert: Well, this chapter mainly focuses on the reign of King Jehoahaz of Israel. He only reigned for 17 years and was a pretty bad king. He failed to turn away from the sins of Jeroboam, the first king of Israel.

Joe: Blimey! That's pretty wild.

Bible Expert: Yeah. So, as a result, God sends the prophet Elisha to anoint Jehoash, Jehoahaz's son, as the next king of Israel.

Joe: What does anoint mean?

Jamie (Joe's sidekick): Anointing is a ceremonial act where oil is applied to someone's head to signify their spiritual authority.

Bible Expert: That's right. So, the prophet Elisha anoints Jehoash and tells him to strike the ground with arrows to defeat the Arameans, who were attacking Israel.

Joe: Wait, what? Arrows?

Bible Expert: Yes, he tells him to shoot arrows at the ground and that he will be victorious against the Arameans.

Joe: That's a bold strategy.

Bible Expert: It is. But it works! Jehoash defeats the Arameans and Israel regains its lost territory.

Joe: Wow, that's pretty incredible.

Bible Expert: Indeed. The chapter ends with Jehoash's death and his son, King Amaziah, taking the throne.