Batman: Robin, we must make haste to 2 Kings 13! Joan of Arc is in trouble! Robin: What's the problem, Batman? Batman: The prophet Elisha has fallen ill and is about to die. He appoints his disciple, Jehu, to succeed him, and Jehu anoints Joash to be King of Israel.

Catwoman: But that's not all! The king of Syria is attacking Israel, and sends a great army to besiege the city of Samaria.

Batman: Thankfully, Joash manages to defeat the Syrian forces, and regains control of the city.

Robin: What a victory!

Joker: But it's not over yet! The prophet Elisha dies and is buried, and after his death, a dead man is brought back to life by touching Elisha's bones!

Robin: That is truly incredible!

Batman: And then, the King of Israel defeats the Moabites and Ammonites, and restores the territory of Israel.

Joker: What a finale!