Batman: Robin, we must investigate the mystery of the four lepers! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: In 2 Kings 7, four lepers were sitting outside the gates of the besieged city of Samaria. They were so desperate for food, they decided to risk their lives and go into the enemy camp.
Catwoman: Ha! How foolish of them! Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: Much to their surprise, they found the enemy camp deserted! The lepers quickly filled themselves with food and valuables. They then returned to the city gates and told the King's officials what they had found.
Riddler: How very curious! Batman: As news of the discovery spread throughout the city, all the people ran out to the enemy camp, filling their pockets with gold, silver and clothing.
Penguin: What a silly bunch of lepers! Robin: Wow, Batman! That was quite a story! Batman: Indeed, Robin! We can learn an important lesson from this story: never underestimate the power of faith and courage!