Batman: Holy ancient texts, Robin! It seems that in 2 Kings 6, the prophet Elisha had a vision that the Arameans were planning to attack the city of Dothan.
Robin: Holy plan of attack, Batman! So what did Elisha do?
Batman: Elisha's servant was scared and wanted to flee, but Elisha prayed for the Lord to open his eyes and the servant saw that the city of Dothan was surrounded by an army of horses and chariots of fire.
Robin: Holy supernatural forces, Batman!
Catwoman: That's right, kiddies! I'm sure Elisha was surprised by this supernatural force, but he wasn't scared. He knew that the Lord was with him and he prayed that the Lord would blind the Arameans so they couldn't see.
Joker: And that's exactly what happened! The Lord caused the Arameans to become blind and they were led away by Elisha's servants to the other side of the Jordan River.
Robin: Holy divine intervention, Batman! So the Arameans were defeated and Elisha was victorious.
Batman: Indeed, Robin! This is just one example of how the Lord's power is greater than any army or force of man.