Batman: I think it's time we looked into 2 Kings 5, Robin.

Robin: What do we have this time, Batman?

Batman: Naaman, the leader of the Syrian army, has leprosy. A young girl who's been taken captive from Israel tells him about a prophet who can help him.

Catwoman: Ha ha ha! I'm sure that prophet won't be able to help him.

Batman: Naaman goes to Israel and finds the prophet. The prophet tells Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River and he will be healed.

Robin: Wow, that's quite a request!

Riddler: Indeed it is, Robin!

Batman: Naaman is initially angry, but decides to obey the prophet. He washes seven times in the Jordan River and is healed of his leprosy.

Penguin: Well, that was unexpected!

Batman: Naaman is so grateful for the healing that he converts to the worship of the God of Israel and goes back to Syria.

Catwoman: What a happy ending!