Batman: Robin, Joker is up to no good again! We must investigate!

Robin: Alright Batman, what is he up to this time?

Batman: He's trying to stir up trouble in the kingdom of Judah. He's convinced the king of Assyria to march against the city of Jerusalem.

Robin: Oh no! We must stop him!

Batman: Don't worry, Robin. A prophet named Isaiah is already on the case. He's prophesying that the Assyrians won't be able to take Jerusalem.

Robin: Wow, that's a relief. But how can we be sure it will happen?

Batman: Isaiah gives the king of Judah a sign: a miraculous sign of a dead man coming back to life. If it happens, then it will be a sign that Jerusalem will be saved.

Joker: Ha ha ha! You'll never be able to stop me!

Batman: Don't be too sure, Joker! Just wait and see what happens!