Robin: Holy history, Batman! In 2 Kings 12, King Joash of Judah is repairing the temple. Joker: Ha ha ha! Sounds like a job for the king! Batman: Indeed, Robin. Joash appoints officers to collect money from the people for the temple repairs, and also commissions craftsmen to do the actual repairs. Catwoman: What a generous king, but why did he need to collect money? Batman: The temple had been neglected for many years, Catwoman, and the king wanted to restore it to its former glory. Robin: But the wicked King Athaliah was still lurking around and trying to interfere with the repairs! Joker: She was always up to no good! Batman: Fortunately, the people of Judah overthrew her and she was put to death, allowing King Joash to carry on with the temple repairs. Catwoman: So justice was served and the temple was restored? Batman: That's right, Catwoman! The repairs were completed and King Joash was praised by the people of God.