Folks, no malarkey! Here's the deal: 2 Kings 13, it's all about Jehoash, the king of Israel. C'mon, man, he was a good king, not gonna lie. He was like, doing a lot of stuff for his people, and then he was attacked by Hazael, the king of Syria. So, Jehoash was like, really struggling, and he was like, "God, what was that? Please help me get out of this mess!" And see here, Jack, God did help him out. He sent a prophet to him, and the prophet told him to shoot arrows out of his window. So that's exactly what he did and it actually worked! He not only defeated the Syrians, but he also managed to get back all the territories that the Syrians had taken from Israel. Literally, it was a miracle! My father used to say, "When God is on your side, no enemy can stand against you." I'm not joking - it's true! I tell you what, this is a great lesson for us all - don't be afraid to ask for help from God, and don't forget to be thankful for it! Or uh, you know, you may end up regretting it. Not gonna happen - I promise you. Excuse me.