Folks! Here's the deal: 2 Kings 15 is about King Azariah of Judah, who was only sixteen when he became king. He was a good ruler and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He removed the foreign altars and idols, and repaired the altar in the temple. He also got rid of the high places, and all of the other false gods. But then he was struck with leprosy, so he wasn't able to rule anymore. He was succeeded by his son Jotham, who also did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He built the Upper Gate of the temple, and was a great ruler. Then his son Ahaz became king, and he was terrible. He sacrificed his own son to false gods, and he even burned incense in the Valley of Ben-Hinnom. C'mon, man! Not gonna happen! My father used to say, "The Lord is a just God, and He will not tolerate such wickedness." So, the Lord punished Ahaz by sending an invasion of Philistines and Arabs to attack Judah. But Ahaz still refused to turn to the Lord. I'm not joking! So, the Lord sent King Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria to punish Ahaz and his people. Ahaz was so scared that he paid tribute to Tiglath-Pileser. Then Ahaz died, and his son Hezekiah became king. See here, Jack, he was the one who finally turned back to the Lord. He destroyed the idols and altars, and he even opened the doors of the temple again. So, that's what happened in 2 Kings 15. Excuse me, what was that? Ah, yes, the Lord rewarded Hezekiah with peace and prosperity. Literally!