Hey, folks! Listen, Jack, here's the deal: 2 Kings 21 is all about how King Manasseh of Judah was just so bad, c'mon man! He was literally the worst king ever, no malarkey! He was so bad that he even sacrificed his own son in the fire! I'm not joking, that's how bad he was. He was an idolater, and he set up images in the Lord's temple, which just wasn't gonna happen! See here, Jack, my father used to say that God's anger was kindled against Judah, and he sent prophets to warn them, but Manasseh wouldn't listen. And then, uh, you know, God finally said enough was enough, and so he punished Judah. I tell you what, that Manasseh was a wicked, wicked man, excuse me. He did more evil than any other nation, and God was really not happy about it. So, that's 2 Kings 21. What was that? Oh, I think it was the end.