Folks, listen here, no malarkey. This chapter of the Bible is all about a widow who came to the prophet Elisha and told him that her husband had died and left her with no money and two sons. Elisha said, "C'mon, man, what do you have in your house?" and she replied, "My father used to say, 'Nothing but a little oil.'" Elisha said, "Literally? Here's the deal: go borrow as many empty vessels as you can—as many as you can—from your neighbors and bring them here. Then pour oil from your vessel into the others until they are all filled." And the woman did, and the oil kept flowing until all the vessels were filled. Elisha then told her, "Go sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live off what's left over." She said, "Uh, you know, I'm not joking; I just can't believe it!" And Elisha said, "See here, Jack, what was that? Not gonna happen. I tell you what: go and do it and you will be blessed." And she did, and she was blessed with abundance. Excuse me.