Welcome to Weekend Update! It's been a wild ride through the Old Testament, but here we are in 2 Kings 4. We've got a prophetess, a widow, a Shunammite, a wild gourd, and Elisha. What could possibly go wrong? Well, the widow has no money and her two sons are about to be sold into slavery. But Elisha, the man of miracles, comes to the rescue. He tells her to go collect as many jars as she can find and fill them with oil. The oil miraculously keeps flowing until every jar is full. She sells the oil, pays off her debt, and lives happily ever after. But don't worry, this isn't the end of the wild gourd story. Later, Elisha is staying with the Shunammite and he gets sick. He tells his servant to go get a wild gourd and make a stew. He eats it and is miraculously healed. All's well that ends well, I guess. That's all from Weekend Update!