Good evening, I'm Norm MacDonald here with your summary of 2 Kings 18. So, it all starts with King Hezekiah in Judah, who does what any good king does – he follows the Lord and gets rid of all the idols in the land. He also gets rid of the high places, which is kind of like the Starbucks of the ancient world. Anyway, Hezekiah goes on to be a successful king and builds up the city of Jerusalem. Fast-forward a few years and in comes the King of Assyria, who sends out an ambassador to try and get Hezekiah to surrender. Hezekiah refuses, so Assyria lays siege to Jerusalem, but Hezekiah still refuses to give up. Finally, after a few years, the Assyrians give up and go home. So, in the end, Hezekiah is victorious and all is well in Jerusalem. Until, you know, the next chapter. That's the way it is and this is Norm MacDonald, saying good night.