Batman: Robin, it's time to tackle the book of Amos!

Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What is this book about?

Batman: Amos is a prophet of God who speaks out against the nations surrounding Israel. He foretells of the coming judgment, and calls Israel to repentance.

Riddler: Ha ha ha! Judgment by who, Batman?

Batman: By God, naturally, Riddler. He calls out the nations for their sins, including the Philistines for their oppression of the weak and the Syrians for their cruelty. He also denounces Israel for their idol worship and lack of justice.

Catwoman: Wow, this prophet sounds like he means business!

Batman: Indeed he does, Catwoman. Amos warns of God's judgment and calls for repentance, for only then can true justice be restored.

Robin: So, the moral of the story is to be righteous and just, right?

Batman: That's right, Robin. God's justice is the only justice that can bring true peace.