Robin: Holy Expansive Harvest, Batman! It looks like Amos 8 has an awful lot of warnings for us.
Batman: That's right, Robin! The Lord is warning of a time of darkness and famine. He speaks of a time of great oppression, where the rich can get away with anything and the poor can't get justice.
Joker: Ha ha ha! Sounds like my kind of town!
Batman: Not so fast, Joker. The Lord also warns that he will not forget the sins of those who oppress the poor. He will punish them for their wickedness and bring about great destruction.
Catwoman: Oh, come on. Don't be so serious. There's always a way to get around justice.
Batman: Not in this case, Catwoman. The Lord says that no matter how hard the wicked try to hide their sins, he will uncover them and bring them to justice.
Riddler: So, what's the moral of the story?
Batman: That the Lord will not stand idly by while the poor and helpless are oppressed. He will bring justice to those who have done wrong.