Good evening. This is Weekend Update with your host, Norm MacDonald. And tonight, we'll be talking about the 29th chapter of the book of Ezekiel. Now, this is the part of the Bible where God is really mad at the Egyptians and he's determined to punish them for their wickedness. So, he sends a prophet, Ezekiel, to warn them. God tells Ezekiel to tell them that he's gonna bring a great army against them and he's gonna destroy their land and their cities. He's also gonna send a great flood that will sweep away everything in its path. And then, just to add insult to injury, he'll take some of the Egyptian's wealth and give it to the Jewish people. So, the moral of the story here is, don't mess with God, or he'll mess you up. That's all for this week. I'm Norm MacDonald, and that's the Bible according to Weekend Update.