Alright, so Ezekiel 1: it starts off with the prophet Ezekiel receiving a vision from God. He describes this vision as "a stormy wind coming out of the north, and a great cloud with a fire flashing up, and a brightness around it, and out of the midst of it as the colour of amber." So, God's like, "Hey Ezekiel, check out this cool light show I just set up for you!" And Ezekiel's like, "Uh, yeah, that's great. But what's it mean?" So God's like, "I'm gonna give you visions to show what's gonna happen to the Israelites, and you're gonna have to tell them about it." And Ezekiel's like, "Oh, okay. I'm on it." So, basically, God's got Ezekiel on a mission to be the bearer of bad news.