Ezekiel 12! This one's a doozy. God tells Ezekiel to pack up his things, like he's about to go on a trip. But he's just gonna wander around for a bit, and everyone's gonna know he's a prophet of the Lord. He's also got to cook his food over an open fire, so everyone knows that he's trying to make a point. And then God tells him to prophesy to the people and tell them that they're all gonna be exiled. It's a real bummer, but the people don't believe him. So Ezekiel shows them a bunch of signs and symbols, but they still don't believe him. So, to prove it, God makes Ezekiel lie on his side for a while. He's like a human mattress, but it still doesn't convince the people that they're gonna be exiled. So God decides to get a little more serious, and he tells Ezekiel that he's gonna make the people go into exile. And then, Ezekiel's mission is accomplished.