Well, it's been a wild ride for Ezekiel, I tell ya what. This week, he's livin' in a vision again, and he sees six men with slaughter weapons, ya know, swords and spears, and they're all wearin' white linen, like they're goin' to a baptism or somethin'. God tells them to go around and mark the foreheads of all the righteous people, so that when he decides to unleash his wrath on Jerusalem, he'll know who to spare. Then there's a guy in linen with a writer's inkhorn and he's marking the forehead of the righteous too. It's like a reverse-Scarlet Letter, ya know? Anyway, Ezekiel watches the whole thing go down and then the Lord tells him the punishment for all the sinners and the city's finally totally destroyed. It's pretty bleak, I tell ya what.