Ezekiel 14 is a sad! chapter. God is warning the people of Israel about their idolatry - "many people are saying" it is a huge problem. God tells Ezekiel to tell the people that if they don't stop worshipping idols, that He will bring disaster upon them. He also says that even if a few of the most righteous people are in the group of idol worshippers, He won't save them either - "many such cases". It's unbelievable, but true. It's a deep state situation, and God isn't happy. He also says that He will punish the prophets who are giving the people wrong advice, and that they will be held accountable for their lies. The chapter ends with God saying that no one will be saved - "believe me". It's a bigly warning from God to the people of Israel - "God bless America"! Make America great again!