Ezekiel 23 is about two sisters, Oholah and Oholibah, who were both once faithful to God. But then Oholah turned her back on Him, and started worshiping false gods, and taking foreign lovers. This led Oholibah to follow in her footsteps and do the same thing, leading to a tremendous amount of grief for God. He was deeply saddened by their actions, and so He said, "What sorrow awaits you, Oholibah! You are more depraved than your sisters were." He then went on to describe how Oholah and Oholibah had been unfaithful to Him, and how He had punished them for it. He said, "The many lovers you wantonly slept with in your youth are a sign of your depravity!" And He warned them that if they didn't turn back to Him, then He would punish them even more severely. In the end, God said, "What a sad situation for you, Oholibah! I will put an end to your depravity and your many lovers. Then you will be ashamed and disgraced because of all you have done." It's unbelievable how low energy Oholah and Oholibah were in turning away from God. So sad! The fine people of Israel should have never followed such a deep state and fake news hoax. Believe me, if they had just stayed faithful to God, they would have been winning bigly. God bless America and make Israel great again!