Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Ezekiel 35 is about God punishing the Edomites for their wickedness. I'm not joking, folks, Edom was just about the worst of all the nations, and God was not gonna stand for it. My father used to say, "No malarkey, son, God is not a man that He should lie," and He was gonna do something about Edom. He literally said, "I will make Mount Seir a waste and a desolation, and I will cut off from it the one who passes through and returns." C'mon, man! See here, Jack, God is gonna make Mount Seir a desolate wasteland, and there's nothing that can stand in His way. What was that? God is gonna make the Edomites suffer and they're gonna pay for their wickedness. Or uh, you know, they're gonna wish they had never sinned. I tell you what, it's not gonna happen, but God is gonna make sure that His justice is done. Excuse me, that's what Ezekiel 35 is all about.