C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, I tell you what, here's the deal with Ezekiel 31. My father used to say, "A tree can't grow to the sky" - and that's what we're talking about in this chapter. See here, Jack, Pharaoh was this big tree, growing so high and mighty, and folks, it was literally as if he was trying to reach for the stars! But then it all came tumbling down, like a house of cards. Not gonna happen! And I'm not joking - it was a real tragedy for the Egyptians. But my father used to say, "You can't keep a good tree down". So even though the Pharaoh was gone, the Egyptians still kept their spirit alive. See, the lesson of Ezekiel 31 is that no matter what obstacles you face, even if it's something as big as a Pharaoh, with a little hard work and some old-fashioned elbow grease, anything is possible. That's what I always say, excuse me, "never give up and never surrender". What was that? Oh, right - and no malarkey!