C'mon, man, listen here, Jack. This chapter of the Bible is literally like a bad dream! My father used to say, you can't get no worse than this. Folks, the kids are hungry, we haven't had food for weeks, our skin's sticking to our bones. Not gonna happen, I tell you what. We remember the good old days, when we were strong and had plenty of food, but now see here, Jack, we're reduced to begging for scraps. It's like we've been cursed! Uh, what was that? Our hearts are breaking, and even the priests can't get no help from the Lord. Excuse me, this is no malarkey, the Lord's brought us to our knees. We can't even make sense of it, we can't understand why this is happening. Here's the deal, Jack, we can't do nothing but cry out to the Lord to help us, because it's like we're in a deep, dark pit and can't get out. I'm not joking, we can't take it no more.