Folks, here's the deal. This chapter of the Bible is heavy. My father used to say it was one of the toughest ones to get through. It's about the destruction of Jerusalem, and no malarkey, it's intense. I'm not joking. See here, Jack, the people are in mourning, their faces are full of grief, their eyes are sunken. Not gonna happen, they ain't gonna see any joy comin' their way anytime soon. I tell you what, they can't believe what they're going through, and they're like, excuse me, what was that? The enemy is so powerful, but or uh, you know, they can't do anything about it. Literally, it's too much for them to handle. C'mon, man, they're so sad that their skin has turned yellow and their hands and feet have wasted away. Let me tell you, it's heartbreaking. They got nothing to eat, not even a crumb. It's a tough one, for sure.