Listen up recruits!
Chapter 4 of Lamentations starts off with a comparison between the current state of Jerusalem and the former glory of the city. It then goes on to talk about how their enemies are mocking them and gloating over their downfall. It talks about how Jerusalem is now desolate and abandoned, and how the people have been brought down to the lowest of lows.
Next, the chapter describes how the people of Jerusalem are suffering and how this suffering is so great that even the women have had to resort to eating their own children. It goes on to talk about how the people of Jerusalem are being punished for their sins, and how their enemies have taken advantage of them during their time of weakness.
Finally, the chapter ends with a plea to God for mercy, and a hope that one day the city of Jerusalem will be restored and the people will be able to live in peace.
That's it recruits, you now know the basics of Lamentations 4. Now get out there and get to know the rest of the Bible!