Batman: Oh, Robin, the sorrowful lamentations continue in Chapter 4 of the Bible. Robin: What happens in this chapter, Batman? Joker: Yes, do tell us, Dynamic Duo! Batman: Well, Joker, the prophet Jeremiah mourns for the desolation of Jerusalem. He recounts the sins of Israel and Judah and blames them for their own destruction. Robin: That's so sad, Batman! Catwoman: But what of the people, Batman? What happens to them? Batman: Catwoman, the people are facing famine, starvation, and death. There is no hope for them, for their suffering is so great, and their enemies are too powerful. Joker: That's just awful! Batman: Yes, Joker, it is. But there is still a glimmer of hope in this chapter, for the people are still clinging to their faith in the Lord. Robin: That's wonderful, Batman! Batman: Yes, Robin, it is indeed. Catwoman: Well, I still say it's an awfully sad situation. Batman: Indeed it is, Catwoman. Indeed it is.