Folks! C'mon, man! Listen, Jack - here's the deal. This chapter in the Bible is about the city of Jerusalem - literally, the City of David. My father used to say that it was a place of greatness and joy, but now it's desolate and empty. I'm not joking! See here, Jack - what was that? - the people of Jerusalem are weeping for the destruction of their city, their freedom and their wealth. Or uh, you know - the people of the city have been taken away as captives and their temple has been destroyed. Not gonna happen - the destruction of this city was so bad that the people of Jerusalem are asking why God is punishing them like this. I tell you what - God is punishing them because they have sinned against him. Excuse me - God is reminding them that sin will always be punished and that they must repent in order to be forgiven.