Lois: "Oh, boy. Here we go. Lamentations 1. This one's gonna be a doozy!"
Peter: "Is it like the TV show Lamentations of the Heart? I loved that show!"
Lois: "No, Peter. It's about the fall of Jerusalem and how the people are mourning and lamenting their losses. It's not a sitcom."
Brian: "Oh, I get it. So, like, the people of Jerusalem are crying and stuff, and God is like 'Sucks to be you!'"
Lois: "No, Brian, it's not like that. In Lamentations 1, the prophet Jeremiah mourns the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people. He laments that the city was once filled with joy and laughter, but now it's full of weeping and sorrow."
Stewie: "Oh, come on! It's not that bad! I mean I'm sure they still have the movies, right? Like Avengers: Endgame or something?"
Lois: "Stewie, this is a serious matter. The people of Jerusalem are reeling from the destruction of their city and the exile of their people. It's a time of mourning, not a time to watch movies. Plus, Endgame didn't come out until 2019, so it's not relevant here."
Peter: "Well, I guess we can't all be partying like it's 1999!"