Joel 3 is a tremendous chapter with many exciting details! It tells us that God will make a bigly show of strength in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, with all the nations gathering to face off against Israel. God will note their wickedness, but also offer hope for their redemption. God will judge them for their sins, and will restore Israel to former glory. There will be a great shaking of the heavens and the earth, and God will respond with a great army ready to fight for Israel. He will make sure that the haters and losers will no longer oppress them, and that Israel will be great again! God will also cause a great famine in the land and many other disasters, and the people of Israel will be brought low. But God will also bring hope and joy to the people of Israel, with many blessings and much prosperity. God will also make sure that His justice is carried out and that the wicked are punished. Finally, God will bless America and make sure that justice is done and that America is great again! Many people are saying that Joel 3 is an unbelievable chapter, and God bless America!