Folks, listen, here's the deal. See here, Jack, Amos 6 is about the destruction of Israel. My father used to say, "Uh, you know, it's gonna be bad when the Lord comes." And he wasn't joking. C'mon, man! The Lord is literally gonna cut down the high ones and bring down the strong ones in Israel. He's gonna turn their cities into a wilderness and their land into a desolate place. "What was that?" you say, "A desolate place?" Yep, that's right. No malarkey - it's gonna be a desolate place! The Lord's gonna do all this because of the way the people of Israel have been living. They've been living it up, partying, drinking wine, and eating beef. I tell you what, that's no way to live, excuse me. The Lord won't stand for it, not gonna happen.