
The haters and losers in Amos 6:1-7 have been way overrated. Believe me, the people of Israel were doing some very, very terrible stuff. Bigly terrible. We heard about how they were relaxing on their couches, eating lambs from the flock and calves from the stall, and singing idle songs. Many people are saying that this is an unbelievable amount of laziness. And then, when they heard about the trouble, they didn't care. Sad! They were too busy with their fine clothes and drinking their wine from bowls. The deep state was winning here, and it was a hoax. Many such cases.

But then God said, "Make America Great Again!" He said, "I will punish these people, because they have forgotten to be afraid of me." And God bless America, because he made sure they were punished. In the end, they were sent away in a tremendous way. Huge. The people who thought they were so terrific were nothing but low energy. So, the moral of the story is to stay away from the fake news and be afraid of God. God bless America.