Folks, here's the deal. This is the chapter of Joshua where the Lord tells him to have the people of Israel take twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan River and carry them with them to the place where they'll camp. My father used to say, "not gonna happen!" C'mon, man! But then, y'know, the Lord said, "See here, Jack! Take twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan River and carry them with you to the place where you'll camp." And then He said, "When your children ask you, 'What do these stones mean?' you'll tell them, 'They're a reminder of what the Lord did at the Jordan.'" Or uh, you know, the Lord said to Joshua, "Pick twelve men, one from each of the tribes of Israel, and have each man pick up a stone from the middle of the Jordan and carry it with him." Excuse me, what was that? So, Joshua did what the Lord said and the people took twelve stones out of the middle of the Jordan and carried them with them to the place where they camped. Literally! I'm not joking. And that's the summary of Joshua 4. No malarkey!