Joe: Alright so here we are with our Bible Expert, ready to discuss Joshua 4. So what's this chapter all about?
Bible Expert: In this chapter, the Lord tells Joshua to have the Israelites take 12 stones from the Jordan River and have them set up as a memorial of their crossing the Jordan.
Joe: So why is this important?
Bible Expert: Well, the stones were to be a reminder to the Israelites of how the Lord had led them across the Jordan and how He was with them.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty powerful! Who else is involved in this chapter?
Bible Expert: In addition to the Israelites, the chapter also mentions two other people: Joshua and Eleazar, the priest. Joshua was the one who commanded the Israelites to take the stones and set them up in the Jordan, and Eleazar was the one who was to oversee the process.
Joe: Interesting! So what was the outcome of this event?
Bible Expert: Well, the stones were set up in the Jordan and they served as a reminder of the Lord's presence with the Israelites. Additionally, the chapter also states that this event was a sign to future generations of the Lord's faithfulness and power.