Joe: So this is Joshua chapter 16, right?

Bible Expert: Yes, that’s right.

Joe: Alright so what’s it all about?

Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter the Lord sets out the borders of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. He designates the land that each tribe will possess.

Joe: Got it. So they’re getting their own land, huh?

Bible Expert: That’s right.

Joe: So what kind of land are they getting? Is it good land?

Bible Expert: Yes, it’s quite good land. It’s mostly hill country, with some valleys and forests, and it’s very fertile.

Joe: Wow, sounds like a great deal! So what do the tribes do with it?

Bible Expert: They use it to settle and farm, and they build towns and cities.

Joe: Alright, so they’re setting up shop. What else is in this chapter?

Bible Expert: Well, the Lord also warns the tribes not to intermingle with the Canaanites, who are living in the land, and tells them to drive them out.

Joe: That’s pretty intense. So what, they just start warring with the Canaanites?

Bible Expert: Not necessarily. They are told to drive them out, but not necessarily by force. It could be through negotiation and peaceful coexistence.

Joe: Interesting. So, what else is in this chapter?

Bible Expert: Well, the chapter ends with a brief description of the cities the tribes are occupying and the land they are possessing.