Well, folks, it looks like Joshua 16 is a real snooze-fest. It's all about the land that was given to the descendants of Joseph. Yup, it's another chapter about the Israelites carving out their little slice of the Promised Land. And hey, it turns out that the land given to Joseph's descendants was a pretty sweet deal. They got the hill country, and the western side of the Jordan valley, and the land east of the Jordan as well. So, basically, Joseph's descendants got a pretty big piece of real estate. But hey, don't worry, there's also a few other little tidbits thrown in here and there. Oh, and you'll never guess who shows up at the end of the chapter. It's none other than the city of Bethel, who of course Joshua destroyed back in chapter 12. Well, that's all for this chapter, so let's move on to something more exciting!