Well, well, well, what do we have here? Joshua 12 - looks like we've got ourselves a list of kings who got defeated by Joshua and the Israelites. Let's see here, king of Jericho, king of Ai, king of Jerusalem, king of Hebron, king of Jarmuth, king of Lachish, king of Eglon, king of Gezer, king of Debir, king of Geder, king of Hormah, king of Arad, king of Libnah, king of Adullam, king of Makkedah, king of Bethel, king of Tappuah, king of Hepher, king of Aphek, king of Sharon, king of Madon, king of Hazor, king of Shimron-Meron, king of Achshaph, king of Taanach, king of Megiddo, king of Kedesh, king of Jokneam in Carmel, king of Dor in the heights of Dor, king of Goiim in Gilgal, king of Tirzah. That's a lot of kings, folks! And you know what? Joshua and the Israelites won EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. That's really something, isn't it? So, if you don't want Joshua and the Israelites to take over your kingdom, you might want to watch out!