Joe: Alright, so we have the Bible expert here and he's gonna tell us all about Joshua 3. So what's the deal with this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, in Joshua 3, the Lord tells Joshua to have the Israelites cross the Jordan River. The Lord tells them to take 12 men from each tribe, and have them each carry a large stone from the middle of the river. The stones will serve as a reminder to the people of the Lord's power, and that He is faithful to His promises.
Joe: That's cool. And what's the significance of the Jordan River?
Bible Expert: Well, the Jordan River was a major obstacle for the Israelites in their journey to the Promised Land. Crossing the river is a symbol of the Israelites entering their new home, and of the Lord's faithfulness and protection.
Joe: Wow, that's awesome. So, what happens after they cross the river?
Bible Expert: After the people cross the river, Joshua sets up a memorial of twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan River. This memorial will serve as a reminder to the people of the Lord's faithfulness and power. Then, the Lord commands Joshua to have the people of Israel march around the city of Jericho seven times. The Lord promises that the walls of Jericho will collapse if the Israelites follow His instructions.
Joe: That's so cool! So did they actually do it?
Bible Expert: Yes, they did! After marching around the city seven times, the walls of Jericho collapsed and the Israelites were able to take the city. This was a great victory for the Israelites, and a clear sign of the Lord's power and faithfulness.