Joe: Alright, so tell me about Joshua 11. What’s going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, Joshua 11 is a continuation of the conquest of the Promised Land by the Israelites. After successfully taking Jericho and Ai, the Israelites now face the powerful army of Jabin, King of Hazor.
Joe: Wait, Jabin? Does that have anything to do with the Tower of Babel story?
Bible Expert: It could, Joe. Jabin was a descendant of Nimrod, who is associated with the Tower of Babel.
Joe: Ah, Jamie can you look up the Tower of Babel story? I’m sure everyone listening wants to know more about that.
Jamie: (In the background) Sure, Joe.
Bible Expert: Anyway, the Israelites come out victorious in this battle, as God gives them the strength and courage to defeat the powerful army of Jabin. After the battle, the Israelites burn Hazor down, and divide up the land among the 12 tribes of Israel.
Joe: That’s pretty impressive. So, what’s the moral of this chapter?
Bible Expert: The moral is that with God’s help, all things are possible. No matter how powerful the enemy, God is always stronger.