Peter: Alright, here's the deal: Joshua 4 is all about the Israelites crossing the Jordan river!
Lois: Wow, that's a pretty big deal.
Peter: Yeah, it's a miracle. God tells Joshua to have twelve men from each of the tribes take one stone from the river and put it in a pile so everyone will remember the miracle.
Brian: So like a historical monument?
Peter: Exactly. So the stones are like a reminder of how God helped the Israelites cross the river before the battle for Jericho.
Stewie: Hey, it's like that scene in The Wizard of Oz when they put the ruby slippers on the Yellow Brick Road.
Peter: Sure, sure. Anyway, Joshua builds an altar out of the stones and names the place Gilgal.
Lois: Gilgal? Like the Buzzcocks song?
Peter: Sure, why not.
Stewie: Hey, do you think they had any Funyuns in the Bible?
Peter: Probably not, Stewie.