Peter: Alright, so in Joshua 14 we got Caleb saying "My brothers who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt with fear, but I have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly."

Lois: Oh, so he was like a real life Captain America!

Brian: Yeah, and then the Lord told Joshua to give Caleb the hill country he asked for... and then he gave it to him.

Peter: Yeah, and then Caleb said he was eighty-five years old so he was like "I'm still as strong as I was when Moses sent me and I can still go to battle and do all kinds of stuff!" So basically he's like a real-life Wolverine!

Lois: Wow, what a badass!

Stewie: And then the Lord gave him the town of Hebron and all the land around it, so it's like a real-life Game Of Thrones!

Peter: Yeah, and then Caleb drove out the three Anakites who were living there and he was like "I'm gonna take this place and make it my own!"

Brian: So basically he's like a real-life conqueror!

Lois: Wow, that Caleb guy sure is something else!