Batman: Hold on to your cape, Robin, for Joshua 14 is about to begin!
Robin: Gosh, Batman, what does this chapter have in store for us?
Joker: I'm sure it has something to do with the land that the Lord promised to the people of Israel.
Batman: Right you are, Joker! This chapter tells us that the people of Israel are being allotted their portions of the land that God has promised them.
Catwoman: So it's like a giant land grab?
Batman: Yes, Catwoman. Caleb, who was a leader in the Israelite camp, steps forward to receive his portion of the land.
Riddler: What did Caleb request, Batman?
Batman: He asked for the land of the Anakites, which the Lord gave to him and the people of Judah.
Penguin: What a clever chap!
Batman: Indeed, Penguin. The Lord granted Caleb and the Israelites their requested portions of the land as he had promised them.
Robin: So the Lord kept his promise to the Israelites!
Batman: He certainly did, Robin. It's a story of faith and trust in the Lord!