Joker: Ha ha ha, what mischief can I cause today?

Batman: Not today, Joker! We must focus on our mission-- summarizing the Bible for our faithful readers.

Robin: That's right! We're up to Joshua 10.

Catwoman: Ooh, let me guess what it's about-- love, forgiveness, and acceptance?

Batman: Not quite, Catwoman. This chapter is about how Joshua defeats several Canaanite kings in battle.

Joker: Battle? That sounds like fun! Tell me more!

Robin: Well, God delivered the enemy into Joshua's hands, and Joshua and his army destroyed them.

Riddler: Wait, what? How did God help Joshua?

Batman: God commanded the sun and moon to stand still, so that Joshua's army could have more daylight hours to fight.

Penguin: Amazing! With a little help from God, Joshua and his army were victorious.

Robin: That's right! And Joshua even prayed for God to bring hail from the sky to help his army win.

Catwoman: Wow! It sounds like Joshua was a faithful warrior.

Batman: Indeed he was, Catwoman. And his faith was rewarded with victory.