Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! Joshua has successfully taken the city of Ai.

Batman: Yes, Robin. Joshua followed the Lord's commands and set an ambush to surprise the city.

Joker: Ha ha ha! Joshua and the Israelites were victorious!

Robin: That's right. Joshua then went back to Ai and set it on fire, destroying it completely.

Batman: He also hung the king of Ai on a tree, fulfilling the Lord's command.

Catwoman: What a clever strategy!

Robin: Then, the Lord instructed Joshua to write down his law on stones so that it would be remembered forever.

Batman: Yes, and Joshua did as the Lord commanded and set up the stones in the middle of the Jordan River.

Riddler: How clever! How did the Israelites remember the law?

Robin: The Lord had Joshua and the Israelites read the law aloud to the people and promised to protect them if they obeyed it.

Batman: Right. And Joshua and the Israelites agreed to obey the Lord's commands.