Robin: Holy haberdashery, Batman! What does Isaiah 6 have in store for us?
Batman: Well, Robin, Isaiah 6 is about a vision that the prophet Isaiah experienced. He saw a vision of God on a throne and heard seraphs crying out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.”
Joker: What? No jokes? No puns? What kind of a boring chapter is this?
Batman: I'm afraid it's not a joke, Joker. Isaiah was so overwhelmed by the vision that he confessed his sins and asked God to forgive him.
Catwoman: Ah, so what did God do?
Batman: God sent one of the seraphs to touch Isaiah's mouth with a burning coal, cleansing him of his sins and appointing him to be a messenger for God.
Riddler: Interesting! So what did Isaiah do?
Batman: He accepted God's commission and agreed to be a messenger for him.
Penguin: Wow, sounds like Isaiah had quite an experience!
Batman: Indeed, Penguin. It was a powerful moment that changed Isaiah's life forever.